Oklahoma Speaker’s Ball Chooses Food Bank as Charity Recipient!

Speaker Charles McCall and his wife host the Oklahoma Speaker’s Ball each year. This year was the first time the Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma was chosen as a charity recipient of the Ball! More than 1,300 Oklahoma leaders and residents attended the exciting Ball at the Oklahoma Convention Center.

Our Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Jeff Marlow and Stacy Dyksra, the CEO of the Regional Food Bank, also chosen as the charity recipient, made special presentations. Both spoke to the large crowd and thanked them for their generosity! We also shared a compelling video featuring stories about the lives that have been changed because of our help.

There are two food banks in Oklahoma – Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma and Regional Food Bank. The Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma helps people in need in 24 counties through more than 600 feeding partners. The Regional Food Bank supports the western side of our state.

Our extensive advocacy work raising awareness with decision-makers on a local, state, and national level is crucial in the fight against hunger. We are grateful to our Oklahoma leaders for the recognition.