Feeding America Leader Visits Delaware Tribe of Indians, Osage Nation and Peoria Tribe of Indians

The Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma is under our national organization Feeding America and recently Feeding America’s Director of Tribal and Native Partnerships Mark Ford visited with several Oklahoma tribes.  One of our priorities is to address food insecurity by networking and creating stronger partnerships with tribal leaders, food sovereignty practitioners and those involved in tribal communities.  Along with Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma leaders, Mr. Ford toured the Osage Harvest Land facility, an amazing working farm as well as educational facility and work site. Next stop was a chance to witness firsthand Peoria Tribe of Indians tremendous efforts helping families and then onto the Delaware Tribe of Indians (pictured) expansive pantry which started out as a food closet. We appreciated the time tribal leaders took with us as we continue to build coalitions to make a difference in the lives of all Oklahomans!