Give Hope and Leave Your Legacy with Planned Giving.
Through legacy giving, you can provide hope for the future of the Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma and the communities it serves. This means you have decided to make a planned gift to support our organization and mission. A legacy gift allows us to carry out our purpose and strengthen our programs and services for future generations.
Begin this year with a Legacy Giving Plan…
In today’s world, it can be challenging to slow down and consider our impact on our community. As we step into the new year, we have the perfect opportunity to take inventory of our personal giving and estate planning. Are you confident in your current retirement or estate plan? Is it time to do a check-up and find out what tax-saving strategies you might miss out on?
Now is the time to write a new chapter to your story.
To learn more, contact John Sanders at or click the button below.

Lifetime and Legacy Giving
Planning for the future of you and your community
Your giving can help the mission of the Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma and other nonprofits you care about now and in the future in many ways. The Food Bank stewards charitable legacy gifts, manages the investment and grant administration of donor-advised and nonprofit endowment funds, and helps individuals and families develop a strategy for legacy giving.
Gifts that create your philanthropic legacy
Gift through your will or trust
- Specific asset, dollar amount, percentage of your estate, or remainder of your estate
- Accomplished easily by asking your attorney to prepare a codicil
Retirement plan assets
- A tax-wise gift, as retirement plan assets are among the most highly taxed inherited assets
- Easy to contribute through a beneficiary designation documented on a form provided by your plan administrator
Life Insurance
- Donated as an outright gift of a new or existing policy by naming the Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma as the owner and beneficiary of the insurance contract
- Ongoing premium payments are tax-deductible charitable gifts when you itemize
- Gifted through a beneficiary designation on your policyholder’s form
Stocks, real estate, business interests, and other appreciated assets
- Can be gifted if held longer than a year
- Avoid capital gains tax and receive a tax deduction when you itemize
Ways to Give
An unrestricted bequest
A long-term investment in the Food Bank’s mission to ensure that no Oklahoman goes hungry now and for generations to come.
A donor-advised fund
An individual, family, company, or group creates a charitable giving account. An efficient alternative to a private foundation, you establish the fund and receive the maximum allowable tax benefit for assets contributed.
Recommend grants at any time to nonprofits of your choosing and designate successor advisors to continue your charitable legacy with the support of the Food Bank’s stewardship.
A designated or field of interest fund
Provide for a one-time bequest or ongoing funding stream for a particular nonprofit or community cause. Our staff will ensure your fund honors your charitable intent into the future.
A gift of life income
There are other ways to generate a guaranteed life income for you as a donor while leaving a legacy, including through various charitable trusts. Please get in touch with us for more information.
Sample bequest language
I give __% of my estate to the Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma (FEIN 73-1184980), 1304 N. Kenosha Ave., Tulsa, OK 74106, followed by any, or a combination of, the following:
- for the unrestricted support of the Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma
- to establish/add to an endowed fund for the Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma
- to establish/add to [Name of Fund], a donor-advised fund
- to establish/add to [Name of Fund] designated for the Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma
Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma Legacy Society
Upon letting us know of your legacy commitment, we invite you to become part of the Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma Legacy Society, a group of donors who have generously provided gifts to and through the Food Bank in their estate plans.
Contact Us Today
John Sanders
Senior Major Gift Officer
918-232-7717 (mobile)